Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On Hiatus.

I'm sorry.

This blog will not be updated for a few days/months.

I moved to a new house, at least for me.

Will be moving back to my house next year probably in January/February depends on situation.

so will not have internet connection until further notice.

To my friends in JB.

Right now I'm staying in a quarters guru located somewhere behind the Thistle Hotel.

For direction do text me ;)

I miss Bb.

He misses me too, I know ;)

anything sayang just call me.

You know how to reach me :D

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Buat kerja sambil main farmville.
mampus if manager or senior tau.
buhsan la buat kerja memanjang.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another Monday.
The day I hated so much.
But not for long ;)
got 5 weeks left than I'm gonna love Monday for EVER!

Tomorrow's I'm gonna be in the office, InsyaAllah.
Karen called last Friday informing me that I still haven't take my September allowance from her.
She said that if I want the allowance please see her next Monday or else she would bank in to her account.
haha. so cute of her for reminding me ;)
I know la Karen.
Allowance is IMPORTANT to me.
By the way, Karen is the person who's in-charge for giving out allowance to the interns.
I think she's the head of admin department.
not so sure.

will update more tomorrow.
I'm very sure that tomorrow's gonna be a boring and stress-free day :)
I think I'm gonna start doing my intern report.
takot tak siap nnti
till then.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lucky I am?

Been busy for last couple of weeks. Non-stop doing outside jobs were exhausting. I had no life! seriously! like I said, waking up early and staying up late. Went home and straight to bed. No socializing except in Facebook But that would be for a short while only.

Last week, a senior asked me. Did I ever felt lucky? Lucky for being given a chance to do audit for companies of different nature from port to plantation to manufacturing. She even said that even a permanent staff hasn't had the chance to do so. Well, yes sometime I feel very lucky. I was very glad that I was the chosen one. I remembered the very first day of my intern I was being left behind. 2 of the interns already been given a job and I was left behind doing nothing. I was very sad that time. I felt that I was not in the right place and that I don't belong there. But seeing how far I've been through I can say that I'm very proud of myself :)

I just hope that the managers, seniors, friends, kakaks and abang there in PWC are/were happy having me with them :)
I love working with them...sometime :P

abah suruh baik2 with the partners so that after grad I can apply and work there. Tapi nak ke kerja situ lagi? macam malas je cause most of the auditors macam nak resign jer. They'll dah tak larat nak kerja audit nie. But for a beginners like me, I had no choice. Try to apply later and we'll see what happens. Right now just concentrate on the intern. Happy weekends my friends :) xx

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Golf Club & Resort.

I'm in a Golf Club & Resort somewhere in Kota Tinggi. I'm here not for holidays but for audit purposes. But it feels like I'm on a vacation with some work to be done. Hehe. The place is so peacefull surrounded by Palm trees. The resort is in the middle of forest and awaayyy from the busy city. The food is FREE!!! for us only laa.. Actually the food is very expensive! prices are like those cafes!! Ye laa! resort kot! golf place plak tue. sure la yg dtg main golf datuk2 and tan sri2 kn. sure la kene charged mahal as they are all very
I'm so loving the life of auditor right now. hehe. Can travel to the places I might not be able to go or go to the places that are restricted to outsider. Like for example last week, I went to audit a factory and I was given a chance to do asset sighting where I need to walk around the factory and sees whether the asset were still in used or were they being disposed or written off. I get the chance to enter the operation rooms with loads of guys (of course non of them were better looking :P) and with machines! BIG one! loud noices here and there. It was a bit scary but it was fun. Hehe. I want to do asset sighting again! This job is hell full of fun ONLY if the place is fun enough and the senior charged were also fun! hehe..
ok. shutup! Whatever it is, life of auditor or others might not be as best and as faboulous as the life of students! yipppieee!! few weeks left! I cannot wait. :D
ooh! I think my lecturer called me yesterday. Surely he wanted to set the date for our date! hehe. Owh! I'm scared. Dah la banyak lg weekly report I haven't submit. The manager in the office is very hard to deal with. Tulis skit2 tak nak. What else you want? tue je kot aku buat dlm office dah kau tak nak bg kerja. pastu nak ckp kiteorg tak ada semangat nak kerja. Ok! I've been writing the same 'ol thing for ever!! Yeah! I'm pissed off with her. Susah sgt nak sign. Lagi baik baut kerja audit luar. senang je nak mintak sign dari other managers since from morning to evening ada aje kerja nak buat. lgpon the seniors in charged mostly same kepala. sukee!! :D
Ok la.. still banyak kerja lagi. tp buat slow2 cause nnti tak ada kerja. I knew my work today would be less cause I finished some of it yesterday. Now bergoyang kaki sambil vouching and internet and blogging. oh! the internet connection here is supper slow!! isk!! later~~~

Sunday, October 04, 2009

2 days of weekends isn't enough!!
Tomorrow's Monday!
m going to outside audit for 2 weeks maybe.
another 2 weeks of waking up early and sleeping late.

my face looks horrible!
blackheads and whiteheads everywhere!
pimples and dimples (aik? tipu!) everywhere!
hair falls like no body business. dah hampir botak dah.
badan membesar gila2.
I think I might gained few kilos already.
fyi, whenever I'm in stress I tend to eat alot as in CHOCOLATE!
Its bad but its waaaayy to good for me ;)
and and
I really looks like makcik2 already.
I hate this life!

cpt2 2 bulan.
penat dah.
my dad pon ckp bila la suraya nie nak abes practical.
penat dah asek nak kene hantar and amek sana sini.
abah, if penat beli kan la kereta ;)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

rase nak nangis and menjerit and memaki hamun aje!!
tension la kerja ngn org yg tak reti nak stop
or are they kerja because they are too bored to stay at home?
or are they have no social life?
or actually they do not know how to socialize?
or are they anti-socialize?
ada ke org mcm nie???
Tak nak socialize pon at least think of others.
People might and DO NOT have the same lifestyle as you do.
C'mon laaa!!!
aku memang dah marah2 sgt2 nie..
keeping me more than my time is a crime!!
bole sue pwc nieee!!
Officially hates what I'm doing now!
I hate the environment!
I hate the seniors!
I hate working as AUDITOR!
Can I change my profession now?
Is it too late??
44 More days!!
countdown to the end of the stupid life!

Monday, September 28, 2009

I was correct! The flu is getting even worst! The weird part is, its worsen only when I'm in the office. ONLY when I'm sitting in my seat. But when walking or out to the toilet automatically its gone! My nose would function like always. Ngek betol!
And the most irritating part is that, my stomach buat hal! ONLY when I'm in my seat rase nak yakyak. But when I rushed to the toilet.. nadaaa~~ tak nak keluar. Several times already I run rushing to the toilet takot2 terlepas kt dlm office jer. haha.. tp sia2 aje usaha. haishhh!!! :(
Dah malas nak layan. Suka hati kau!
Notice in a day I did quite alot of blogging? Well you probably can guess it! I'm BORED and I'm NOT in the mood of doing ANYTHING! What I know right this moment is to sleeep! Hopefully tonight I can sleep peacefully. Penat dah nak dtg office with panda eyes and dizzy mind.